Your bank often can not reclaim money stolen from your bank account due to fraud or cybercrime. That means if money gets drafted from your business bank account from a hacker, phishing attack, identity theft or by any other means, you have little to no chance of getting it back.
This often comes as a surprise to businesses who think the FDIC will “save” them from getting their accounts wiped out, and can get the money back once taken. The reality is that the FDIC insurance is to protect you from bank failure, NOT fraud. So if your debit card or account information gets accessed by a hacker and you don’t notice it within the same day, you can pretty much kiss that money goodbye.
Recent studies have shown that 83% of small businesses take no formal measures against cyber threats even though almost half of all attacks are aimed at them.
Here are 5 essential steps you can take right now to protect your business:
Enforce A Strict Company Password Policy. This is a simple step, but i...
Most Dangerous Assumption Businesses Make About Bank Security
Just Because You’ve Been LUCKY Enough To Avoid A Cyber-Attack Doesn’t Mean You’re Not At Risk
Posted by Jake Cohen
Cybersecurity Network Assessment Will Reveal Where Your Computer Network Is Exposed And How To Protect Your Company Now
Imagine walking into your office one morning to discover your computer network was breached by a hacker, exposing not only YOUR company’s data, but also all of your client records and private communications. Imagine the embarrassment of having to notify your clients and vendors that, because of you, their private and possibly personal information may now be in the hands of cyber-criminals. And hopefully that’s the only damage done…
Operations could be halted or severely limited for days, possibly weeks. Your data corrupt to the point of being useless. Clients lost. Potential lawsuits and government fines for violating data-breach laws. The exorbitant emergency IT fees to get everything restored to working order fast. Then there’s the risk of your bank account being drained dry – and because you’re a business, you are NOT protected by the banks in the same way i...
Still Running Windows 7 Or Windows Server 2008 R2?
Posted by Jake Cohen
An URGENT Security Warning for Businesses Running Windows 7 Or Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft has officially announced that it will retire support on the Windows 7 operating system and Windows Server 2008 R2 on January 14, 2020 (see the enclosed article for more details.) That means any computer or server with these operating systems installed will be completely exposed to serious hacker attacks aimed at taking control of your network, stealing data, crashing your system and inflicting a host of other business-crippling problems you do NOT want to have to deal with.
This is such a serious threat that all companies housing financial and medical information are being required by law to upgrade any and all computer systems running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 because firewalls and anti-virus software will NOT be sufficient to completely protect them (or you).
This is a MUST upgrade any servers or workstations running these operating systems. And while January 14, 2020, may...
Do You Accept Credit Cards? Watch Out For These 5 Pitfalls That Could Lead To Lawsuits
Posted by Jake Cohen
If your company is not fully compliant with Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards, you could be at risk of a serious tangle with attorneys. Technically,
PCI guidelines are not a hard-and-fast set of laws. However, merchants can still face hefty liabilities for not meeting them.
Avoid these mistakes to keep your company out of hot water with attorneys:
1. Storing Cardholder Data In Noncompliance Programs Many states have laws regarding data breaches and, depending on where you accept cards, you may be subject to many of them. For example, Massachusetts has 201 CMR 17.00, which requires companies keeping any personal data from Massachusetts residents to prepare a PCI-compliant plan to protect that data. If a company then fails to maintain that plan, the business may face state prosecution.
2. Fibbing On The Self-Assessment Questionnaire If you have considered tampering with the reports from your company’s Approved Scanning Vendor, think again. Time invested now to fi...
Do I Need To Back Up Data That’s Already In The Cloud?
Posted by Jake Cohen
The computing world is forever changing. Over the last 15 years, SaaS (software as a service) providers have offered the convenience of data backup for your cloud applications such as CRM systems, SalesForce, Google Apps and Microsoft 365. The business question is, if I’m already working with a SaaS provider and my data is already “in” the cloud, do I really need to back up my data to another cloud? After all, isn’t the SaaS provider doing that for me?
Well, yes and no. Yes, your data (one of your company’s most valuable assets) is being backed up by the service provider. And yes, it’s in the cloud. And yes, these providers have backups to their backups … but are they backing up your business-critical information? Can you guarantee that? And do you have access to it in a timely manner? The answer to these questions may be no. As a rule, SaaS providers do not open backups to customers, nor do they make restoring critical data easy or intuitive. For example, Salesforce, the first commer...